The latest news and updates from OxFutures

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UK Government unveils plan for £1.8bn of spending on building energy efficiency
The UK Government has taken a step towards achieving its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 by confirming the allocation of almost £2bn of funding to improve the energy efficiency of over 115,000 homes and public sector buildings such as schools and
UK Government unveils plan for £1.8bn of spending on building energy efficiency
The UK Government has taken a step towards achieving its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 by confirming the allocation of almost £2bn of funding to improve the energy efficiency of over 115,000 homes and public sector buildings such as schools andGreen Narrowboats: Leading the Way in Sustainable Canal Boating
Green Narrowboats model an approach to electric narrowboat conversion that reduces emissions and pollution. The traditional narrowboat has long been an iconic part of Britain’s inland waterways, and in the current climate the environmental impact ofReducing Energy Demand Key to Achieving Net-Zero Emissions in the UK, Without Compromising Quality of Life
A journal article sheds light on the possibility of reducing energy demand in the UK by 52% by 2050 compared with 2020 levels. The study finds that such reductions are possible without compromising citizens’ quality of life. The UK has set ambitiousUpcoming Events – February
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! February Energy Efficiency in your community building 1 February 2023 | 15:00-16:00 This Centre for Sustainable Energy session will provide anElectric boating event with OxFutures
Join us at this free event and discover how boat owners could transform their boats to be fully electric. Could your boat go electric? Join us at this free event and discover how boat owners could transform their boats to be fully electric. We’ve heard aPlan to pay UK energy customers for avoiding peak-time use proving popular
More than one million homes and businesses have tested a new scheme enabling them to be paid for avoiding energy use at peak times, collectively saving some £2.8m. The ESO first launched the Demand Flexibility Service on a trial basis earlier this year, inCouncils want to prioritise retrofits to combat energy costs, but face funding gap
Almost half of UK councils feel they’ll be unable to pay for rising energy bills unless they’re able to invest to retrofit buildings to make them more energy efficient, with 15% warning that some public buildings may become unusable. The survey found thatPopularity of renewable energy reaches record high
A new survey of public attitudes towards renewables and climate change has revealed that 88% of people support the use of renewable energy – a new record high – and only 2% oppose it. The percentage of people concerned about climate change remained high,UK government set to end ban on new onshore windfarms
Deal reached that paves way for communities in England to authorise projects without unanimous turbines could be installed if gaining support from local communities. Launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) last month,Britons in certain council tax bands could get £2,000 grant to improve energy efficiency
The Government’s ECO+ scheme is predicted to help households save £310 on energy bills every year by improving their home’s energy efficiency. Launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) last month, the ECO+New findings suggest nearly 60% of Britons are “concerned” about potential blackouts this winter
Last month, the National Grid electricity system operator said in a highly “unlikely” scenario, households and businesses might face planned three-hour outages to ensure that the UK’s grid can cope with the demand. “Although a majority of BritonsNew extra efficient heat pump developed
In a new paper published in the journal Communications Engineering, researchers from the University of Glasgow outline how their flexible heat pump technology provides an elegant and low-cost solution. The team led by Professor Zhibin Yu, have developed aDoes your organisation have an energy champion?
Download this free checklist to get started as an energy champion at your workplace, making a difference for the environment and attracting the next generation of talented people to work for you. We all have a part to play when it comes to mitigating climateGovernment rolls out £635m to boost energy efficiency for public buildings
Hundreds of public buildings across England could be eligible for energy efficiency upgrades, as the Government looks to drive down energy usage and help tame spiralling bills. Through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, schools, hospitals, leisureEcoSync Expands
EcoSync is a cleantech scale-up business founded by Oxford University engineers in 2018 to stop empty rooms being heated. It uses an innovative radiator valve technology linked to software to adjust heating in individual rooms and turn it down significantlyFind out how many green jobs are in your area
New tool from the Green New Deal UK team highlights the potential to create new green jobs in your local constituency. How many green jobs could be created in your constituency? This new tool from the Green New Deal team can tell you, and help you lobby yourUpcoming Events – July
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! July What the energy market crisis means for net zero 7th July 2022 | 14:00-15:00 EDF’s Director of Net Zero Strategy and Policy, Rebecca Beresford,Flo’s solar panel appeal
Flo’s has started a fundraiser to install solar panels, supported by our GreenFund. Flo’s is a community owned and run project, working to provide better local opportunities, to reduce inequalities, and support the environment. They are looking toEcoSync and Electrogenic at the Energy Systems Accelerator
The Energy Systems Accelerator (aka Mini-TESA) is a collaborative, world-leading hub and co-working space, championing green innovation in the energy sector. The official launch of this 100-person building took place on 26 May 2022 which currentlyEcoSync cut energy bills for more than 10 Oxford colleges
EcoSync is now working with over 10 Colleges of the University of Oxford to reduce energy consumption through innovative technology. Thanks to a £13,000 grant from the OxFutures GreenFund they have been able to progress to the next phase of their technologyWe hit our targets a year early!
We’re delighted to report that OxFutures has met its target to support almost 200 SMEs with fully funded energy assessments a full year ahead of schedule. This is great news for our programme specially designed to support energy efficiency in businesses.Effective ways to protect your business as energy prices soar
Wholesale natural gas prices have quadrupled in the past year, and look set to rise even further this year. Here are some effective ways to build resilience through energy efficiency. Whether you are helping run a large business or an SME, or you are runningThe rise of Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) and what it means for your business
A recently published report has found that nearly two-thirds of firms see the climate emergency and the reputational impact of not taking action are key drivers for energy efficiency projects. ESG is a new term that business leaders may not have heard yet,Government needs to take action on spiking internet energy demands
University of Sussex Business School calls for more efficient datacentres to limit the unsustainable and unchecked growth in internet and online services which represents a very real threat to energy security. “The internet and its digital practices now2021 to set all-time record for renewable installations, says IEA
Stronger policies and raised climate goals leading into COP26 are driving renewables to new records, says new report. “This year’s record renewable electricity additions of 290 gigawatts are yet another sign that a new global energy economy is emerging.Upcoming Events – January & February
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! January How to attract and keep the right talent in a tough climate 20th January 2022 | 10-11:30am New year, new job? Get insight and practical tips on howNew findings suggest 87% of people in the UK now support renewables
New findings from the BEIS Public Attitudes Tracker suggests up to 87% of the UK public now support an increase in renewable energy generation, and have a greater awareness of the concept of Net Zero. “This new poll underlines the fact that people want toMore than half of large UK companies now have a Net Zero strategy in place
A YouGov poll of over 1,000 senior business decision makers found that more than half of larger companies (250+ employees) surveyed (52%) had a net zero strategy. “We need to see more industries commit to a robust strategy to reduce their environmentalOxFutures grant funding awarded
The OxFutures board has been busy approving more funding. Energy Efficiency Four organisations have successfully applied for funding worth over £4,000 to cover some of the costs of installing energy efficiency and renewable measures. Ewelme Watercress BedsOxFutures grant recipient, Magdalen Road Studios, begins work
Work has begun on the OxFutures grant funded project at the artists studios in East Oxford. Magdalen Road Studios is a registered charity that provides artists’ studios, exhibition space and public engagement with contemporary art in the heart of EastUpcoming Events – December
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! December The 2nd Future Focus Series: Fresh thoughts on environment and innovation 8th December 2021 | 9:30-11am The Future Focus series highlights theAn award winning approach to energy efficiency
The Energy Solutions Oxfordshire’s approach to decarbonisation has been recognised as ‘award-winning’ through the Energy Pathfinders competition 2021. The countrywide Energy Pathfinders: 2050 competition awarded a first place prize to epGreentech annual conference success
At a post-COP26 conference we heard how Oxfordshire is taking pioneering action and delivering a much-needed zero-carbon economy On 17 & 18 November the annual Oxfordshire Greentech conference took place online and at a networking session at Oxford TownOver 60% of organisations say climate emergency is driving them to become energy efficient
A recently published report by EEVS has found that over 60% of organisations are being influenced to take action on their energy efficiency because of the climate emergency, and the impact not taking action could have on their reputation. “Many have swiftlyOxford-based company EZ-Charge are raising funds to create easy-access public charge points
The ground-breaking company EZ-Charge, are currently raising finance via Ethex to make EV ownership and charging easier. With the creation of easy-access public charge points, they are extending the network. EZ-Charge is an Oxfordshire basedWhy energy efficiency is the unsung hero of the fight against climate change
A recent article published by the World Economic Forum details how crucial energy efficiency is in fighting the climate crisis. A low-carbon economy or decarbonised economy is an economy based on energy sources that produce low levels of greenhouse gasWhy success at COP26 is vital for business
Energy Monitor say that a successful COP26 outcome will mitigate climate risk, provide businesses with the certainty they so desperately want and open up new opportunities for green growth. LatestUpcoming Events – November
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! November COP26 1st-12th November 2021 | Glasgow The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12COP26: what UK business brings to the table
As all eyes turn to the COP26 climate summit, the Confederation of British Industry looks at the breadth of business action on climate change, and the innovations and opportunities leading the way to net zero. LatestCOP26 is here: what should you look out for?
The COP26 climate conference begins tomorrow, what is COP, why is it important and what should you be looking out for? What is COP26? COP26 is the 26th meeting of the Conference of Parties, aka the 26th year that governments, NGOs, tradeReport: Net Zero Strategy Published
The Net Zero Strategy has been published and sets out policies and proposals for decarbonising all sectors of the UK economy to meet our net zero target by 2050. Last year, the Prime Minister set out his 10 point plan for a green industrial revolution,Report: Heat and Buildings Strategy Published
The government’s long-awaited Heat and Buildings Strategy was recently published to a good deal of media coverage, mainly focusing on the boiler replacement grants of £5,000 coming into play next year. The heat and buildings strategy sets out theBeyond COP26: how Oxfordshire is powering the zero carbon transition
Post-COP26, hear how Oxfordshire is taking pioneering action and delivering a much-needed zero-carbon economy About this event Oxfordshire Greentech presents its virtual annual conference on 17 & 18 November 2021. With the latest IPCC climate impactOxFutures grant recipient, Hill End, secures further grant funding
Hill End outdoor learning centre received an OxFutures grant from GreenFund to install secondary glazing in their dormitory buildings. Hill End has been offering unique outdoor learning experiences since the 1920s. They are a multi-use site,Ofgem launches £450m fund to help homes and businesses go green
A new fund that opened yesterday will unlock greener ways to travel and to heat and power homes and businesses, by harnessing a new approach to energy network innovation. This will keep bills as low as possible, drive the UK towards its goal of net zeroUpcoming Events – September & October
There are a lot of events taking place at the moment, both online and in person, check them out below! September Roadmap to net zero – the Zero Carbon Tour comes to Oxfordshire! 7th September 2021 | 13:00 – 16:00 | Rose Hill Community Centre, Oxford andThe Carbon Trust re-appointed to lead new phase of Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) to speed up adoption of low carbon technologies in industry
The Carbon Trust has been re-appointed to design and deliver the next phase of the BEIS £10 million Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) programme which is part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP). The IEEA programme will support the9 out of 10 small businesses have no idea of their environmental impact
Research published this week by the British Chambers of Commerce based on a survey of 1,000 UK small businesses reveals that only one in ten (11%) are measuring their carbon footprint. Furthermore, only one in seven (13%) have set targets to reduceUK’s green economy is four times larger than the manufacturing sector
According to newly released report ‘Where we were, where we are, and where we’re going’ published by kMatrix the UK’s low carbon economy is worth more than £200bn, four times the size of the manufacturing sector (worth £55.6bn), with growthUpcoming Events – July
Despite not being able to conduct in-person events at the moment there is a whole host of events happening online. Check them out below! July Venture Summit \ Virtual Connect Global featuring a dedicated Cleantech track I 6-8/07/2021 Online eventOxFutures grant funding awarded
The OxFutures board has been busy approving funding for many and varied organisations. Energy Efficiency Three organisations have successfully applied for funding worth almost £12,000 to cover some of the costs of installing energy efficiency measures. TheyBusinesses must now commit to net zero to bid for government contracts
The UK government has announced new measures requiring businesses to ‘commit to net zero by 2050 and publish clear and credible carbon reduction plans’ before they can bid for government contracts. This new rule will come into force in September 2021, and23 Simple Steps You Can Take to Make Your Business Energy Efficient
The team at Blue & Green Tomorrow have put together 23 ways that you can improve energy efficiency in a business environment – reducing energy use to reduce carbon emissions. It gives a useful place to get started. You can apply for a free OxFuturesUpcoming Events – May & June
Despite not being able to conduct in-person events at the moment there is a whole host of events happening online. Check them out below! May How to use neuroscience to ensure your low carbon business thrives I 11/05/2021, 10:00 – 12:00 OnlineSeacourt certified as the highest scoring B Corp printing company in the world
Seacourt printers have been recognised as the highest scoring B Corp media company in the world. Seacourt have been printing in Oxford since 1946 and have been a sustainability trailblazer since they realised just how damaging the printing industryEcoSync secures angel investment
EcoSync is a multi-award-winning start-up company of Oxford University, developing a smart temperature control system combining artificial intelligence with MIT technologies – applied to real buildings. They work with businesses to synchronize heatingOxfordshire Community Land Trust secures funding for affordable housing
Oxfordshire Community Land Trust (OCLT) has announced their success in securing funding for eight affordable apartments in Dean Court from the Vale of White Horse District Council (VOWHDC) and the Oxfordshire Growth Board. On March 24th Vale of White HorseUpcoming Events – March & April
Despite not being able to conduct in-person events at the moment there is a whole host of events happening online. Check them out below! OxLEP Events As the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), it is our role to champion Oxfordshire’s economicA new look for OxFutures
We are very excited to announce the launch of our new website. A few months of work in the making we are delighted to share with you our new site which is more modern, easier to navigate and more user friendly. The OxFutures project has carried out 149 energyUpcoming Events
Despite not being able to conduct in-person events at the moment there is a whole host of events happening online. Check them out below! OxLEP Events As the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), it is our role to champion Oxfordshire’s economicElectrogenic wins Innovate UK award!
Electrogenic wins Innovate UK award to develop 100% electric Land Rovers, to be trialled at the Glastonbury Festival site. The project is a collaboration with Worthy Farm, which hosts the Festival, and Cardiff University. Electrogenic converts classicPlanning approved for the Hook Norton Community Housing project
Hook Norton Community Land Trust were thrilled when it was announced that a resolution for Planning Permission has been grantedfor the Hook Norton Community Led Housing Project, with CherwellDistrict Council voting unanimously in favour of the scheme atOxFutures extended for another 3 years
Additional energy audits and grant funding available for SMEs We have some extremely exciting news, a three-year extension to the OxFutures programme has been approved and we will now be able to continue the programme through 2023. The extension will beOxfordshire consortium wins government contract to launch energy efficiency service for local businesses
In Oxford, our buildings are responsible for the largest proportion of our annual carbon emissions – as outlined in the Oxford’s Citizen’s Assembly on Climate Change in September 2019. “The buildings sector should adopt improved buildingOxFutures conference success
A huge thank to all our speakers and attendees who took part in the OxFutures Conference 2019. The atmosphere in the networking space was great, there was a real buzz and several people said that they had met some interesting people that they were going to beMyles Allen Confirmed as Keynote Speaker for OxFutures Conference
OxFutures is pleased to announce that Professor Myles Allen will be giving the keynote speech at the annual OxFutures Conference on Friday, September 27th at the Oxford Town Hall. Professor Allen is Professor of Geosystem Science in the Environmental ChangeMore grant funding awarded
OxFutures has been busy approving funding for many and varied organisations over the past few months. Energy efficiency Four organisations have successfully applied for funding worth £19,900 to cover some of the costs of installing energy efficiencyCEO of Ecosync wins Techprenuer award
Zsuzsa Mayer, CEO of EcoSync wins Conceptual Award at recent Techpreneurs Awards for Women 2019 in recognition for her outstanding contribution to the technology industry. We’re delighted to announce that Zsuzsa Mayer of EcoSync was recentlyEvaluation of OxFutures
We are seeking someone with research skills to carry out an evaluation of the OxFutures